Network of partners

Industrial networks

LibraGen has created a dedicated network of qualified industrial subcontractors who perform the final production of its proprietary or customers’ products, under usual or cGMP conditions. This network offers customers a reliable and integrated solution for the manufacturing of its chemical entities based on innovative bioprocesses.

Final production can alternatively be directly transferred to customers’ plants at the end of the industrial development.

Keeping an edge over the competition, LibraGen has been a collaborative founder of MEPI (Maison Europeenne des Procedes Innovants = European House for Innovative Processes) with Sanofi-aventis, SNPE, INPT, Corning, and Pierre-Fabre.

MEPI is a piloting and demonstration facility that has been created in order to accelerate the implementation of process intensification technology in the industry and the development of Green Process Engineering based on micro-reactors and biocatalysis.

This industrial technical platform relies on the association of 3 types of partners: University, equipment providers, and industrial end-users for industrial demonstrations of successful process intensification experiments.

Academic partners

LibraGen’s industrial and scientific strategy is guided by a top-level business and technology consultant team including former members of the executive committee at Sanofi-aventis, renowned experts in industrial chemistry, member of Technologies Academia, world-leading experts in metagenomics.
Renowned academic partners are daily collaborating with LibraGen, and provide the company with a leading scientific position on the market.

Unit of Ecology and Physiology of the Digestive (UEPSD)

Dr. Joel DORE, Ph.D.The Unit of Ecology and Physiology of the Digestive Tract aims at contributing to the definition of nutrition preventing the main pathologies of man. Its goal is to improve our knowledge of diet-microbe-host interactions and their impact on intestinal microbial ecology and digestive functions.

UEPSD is made up of 3 research teams, supported by administrative and logistics teams. For its own research, the Unit maintains a germ-free rodent facility. The animals are kept in sterile isolators, fed sterile food, and inoculated with pure bacterial cultures or human intestinal microbiota.

Environmental Microbial Genomics Group

Pr Timothy M. VOGEL, Professor of microbiology and Microbial Ecology at Lyon University after several years as a senior scientist in a private company (Rhône-Poulenc). Coordinator of the project ‘Metasoil’ (Metagenomic discovery and exploitation of the soil microbial community) funded by the French national funding Agency ANR. This project stands at the working basis of the Terragenome consortium.

Dr. Pascal SIMONET, Research Director at CNRS, member of the HCB (Haut Conseil des Biotechnologies) is strongly involved as chairman of the Rothamsted initiative in the ‘Terragenome’ project, an international consortium for the complete sequencing of a reference soil metagenome.

The Environmental Microbial Genomics group at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (leaders Prof. TM Vogel and Dr P. Simonet) has very extensive expertise in microbial ecology, molecular biology with the exploration of soil microbial DNA (soil metagenomic DNA) for scientific and biotechnological purposes including to study how HGT is involved in bacterial adaptation and evolution.